One of the chief purposes of this website is to draw attention to my published music, but there's still quite a lot to be added to the site, so meanwhile click on the list to the left to see all my currently available publications.  Choose the appropriate page from the Sheet Music drop-down menu to see details of the works added so far, as well as sample pages and recordings.

Everything mentioned on the list to the left is available through your usual supplier or from
That webpage displays all the new editions published by Creighton's Collection.  Music which isn't displayed there but is mentioned in the list to the left will be available from Creighton's Collection or your usual supplier in the original edition on request.

See the Links page for access to digital downloads for the trans-oceanic market (an incomplete, though growing, selection). 

Recordings of all my ensembles as well as works for harp and instrument and some individual solo pieces can heard at